24 & 28 May 2020

On Sunday the 24th Christina and myself went fishing for a couple of hours. We then went to Yoder Falls and met up with her brother. It isnt a very long hike but it is quite strenuous. It is pretty down there, and I am definitely planning on going again during the week sometime when there are more likely to be fewer people there.


Yoder Falls


On Thursday 28 May Guinness and I went on an 11.5 mile hike. We left the Menoher Hwy (Rte 271) Trailhead for the Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail at 0715. At 1130 Christina picked us up at the Lincoln Hwy (Rte 30) Trailhead. It reinforced in my mind that I need to lose some weight. I enjoyed myself and got mentally recharged yet it still hurt more than it should have. I will do the same hike or a similar one again in a few months time. I did learn one important lesson. I need to ensure that my watch is fully charged before setting out on a long hike like that. When I was about 1/2 mile from the Lincoln Hwy Trailhead the watch battery died. It was a beautiful day for the hike. It was foggy and cloudy with a slight breeze for most of the hike. Just before the watch battery died the sky opened up and we had a cloudburst. Guinness kept stopping and trying to shake the water off as it was coming down on him. I had to keep telling him that we just had to suck it up it was going to be over with soon enough.


Guinness looking down the trail

Until next time stay safe on the trail and enjoy the gifts of the creator in all of their glory.

First Post in awhile

Well I haven’t done any posts since right after Abby died March of last year. I promised myself that I wouldn’t let myself get into a funk and neglect myself and not put everything off to the back burner and solely focus on my grief. Unfortunately I was unable to keep that promise to myself. Now I have to get back into eating properly, getting daily physical training in, and keeping up with the other things that are important to me like this blog.


Yesterday I took Guinness to the 653 trailhead for the Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail. We did an out and back for a total distance of 5.5 miles. There is a hell of a climb when you are heading north shortly before the trailhead connector trail. Guinness is starting to slow down when we go which saddens me a bit, but he is still very much always ready to go. When we were almost done with the hike we met up with some people on the way to the shelters who also had a dog with them. Guinness wanted to play with the other dog, it was hell trying to keep him calm while we waited for them to get past us. The both of us were pretty tired by the time we got back to the truck. Part and parcel of me not being diligent with my health over the last few years and last year especially.

I am going to be more diligent with doing a trip report following each outdoor excursion. This blog was started as a hiking only blog but is changing to an outdoors blog. I am going to get back to doing physical training each day. And definitely getting my nutrition back on track. I am know that doing both of those last two items will help me have a more enjoyable time in the outdoors regardless of which activity it is that I am pursuing at the moment.
